Thursday, December 15, 2011

Fishing with my Daddy 2008

Me and my dad went out and checked the lines we had out and to our surprise this is what we had caught!

Fishing 2011

Coming in from fishing
Our Catches of the day


      Fishing 2011
My brother caught two bass one right after the other!

I was there it was crazy fun!

Time to relax  by the fire from a hard day of fishing.

Fishing 2010

 Camping 2010 - Right off the lake
How beautiful it was to wake up each morning, crawl out your tent and you straight to your fishing pole! Let's just say it was AWESOME!
Me and my brother went out and caught a whole bunch of bluegills
we had to stop catching them because we could no longer carry the bucket!

My brother caught this  right off the bank!

Fishing 2005 and 2008

This is from 2005 my brother and my dad catching some red ear and some bluegills with the woody bug jig!

 These pictures below are from 2008 some more awesome bluegills and red ears!
 My brother cleaning those fish!
 and my husband cleaning those fish so we can have a yummy fish fry!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Fishing 2007

This is the man behind the jig tying my Dad!
these are some fish we caught in 2007

These are the nice bluegills that were in the cooler!
and you know they were all caught by the "The Woody Bug" jig!

Welcome To the Woody bug Fishing team Blog!

Welcome you fishing lovers! I am new to blogging but will catch on fast, i will be posting some pictures of the woody bug jig soon and some of the fish we have caught in the past years.
If interested in buying jigs for gifts for your fishermen and women please contact me at will be getting more details and photos of jigs out soon! thanks for being patient!